updating oneself

In having decided to do the 12wbt (12 week body transformation) as a way to motivate me to up the exercise from the occasional 6 to 10km walk 3 times a week to everyday as well as finding food to eat and prepare that tastes good and I can cook for farmer as well. I think the way Michelle bridges has done her program, it clever and entrepreneurial to say the least.

When you go to the site it tells you when the next 12 weeks are going to run, so you can do the pre-work up tasks, where you need to ‘get real’ with yourself, Introduce yourself, set goals and many other tasks one does. Once the date of the 12 weeks commences you are in the program. This is a great way of maximizing dollars and value not only to the signees but also to the Michelle Bridges team. It captures a vast market of people and can track results and give as accurate amount of information statistically as possible.

I am liking the food options, they are tasty, easy to cook and the recipes are done for two, I add more to accommodate the farmer and his daily activities. He would do more incidental exercise than anyone I know. I would hesitate to guess that even feeding out to all of the cattle he would walk over 5 to 6 km’s. He loads the hay, drives it to where the mobs are, sets the Ute in four-wheel drive and he gets out, cutting the ties and pulling off hay in sections as the vehicle moves along so that it all doesn’t fall in the one place. he does this with every bale. Most days I am sure that he would beat my 6km walk on the treadmill.

In updating oneself I laughed yesterday as I updated the IPod, whilst doing the book work. I uploaded some of my CD’s and then made a play list ‘complete 80’s” sadly going backward to go forward. I found some ‘Go West’ a bit of ‘Huey Lewis and the News’ ‘Sister Sledge’ and many more. So one thinks is this going backward or is it moving forward, some of the music I downloaded was played at the Steps classes I use to attend to. 12 WBT has not started yet, so I am going through with the tasks – “Get real” is confronting and interesting, you have to come up with the excuses you give yourself for not exercising and then you have to give yourself the solution. According to Michelle “being too busy” is the greatest one used and the biggest cop-out, just get up earlier she says but as we know sometimes that is hard, that can be a precious hour in bed.

Is this my motivation to motivate myself? I don’t know but I feel better eating better and cooking meals that are tasty and don’t require lengthy preparation times. It is a calorie based food choices, which is something I haven’t done before. Oh well I have 5 more weeks to go till it actually starts, I wonder how many people who join are doing what I am doing – getting meal ideas from the site and cooking them. It will be interesting to see if there are any statistics that demonstrate a loss of weight and increased fitness occurs leading up the to the start date. Anyway the colour run – here I come.