Hump day

We are back here again, hump day, I said this to my Huz the other day and he had never heard the term. I explained it was the day that was the middle of the working week, the one you know you HAVE to get through to do the downward run to the weekend. It’s the day I run my business in the Bordertown pharmacy and I do enjoy it. I do laser IPL hair removal whilst the other girls do pigmentation, veins, spots, acne and mirco-hydro-dermabrasion. They have a beautiful set up and I am thrilled to be part of it.

I am struggling this hump day and wonder if it has anything to do with the full moon from the previous couple of days. Huz was up early as he is travelling to Victoria with a mate to purchase a car hoist, so this means we are all up, cats, dogs and sleeping me. He is not the quietest of people and puts the light on to look for stuff, though a good planner her fails to get most things ready the night before, by this I mean clothes, shoes, backpack so it’s a dig it out of the cupboard whilst in a hurry to leave.

As it’s also getting lighter and warmer at 530am in the morning, this morning I chose not to lie in, I was over it by 615am so put my gear on and did a 6.5km jog on the treadmill. It took me just on an hour, which I am thrilled about as it displays to me I am getting fitter. Pete the golden likes to lie in the doorway on the carpet watching me (actually he sleeps facing the room) the cats all settle back down and ignore me, so the iPod goes on and off I go. Every time I get on it I promise myself it will become a daily ritual, one that I am yet to do, with TAFE, work and other things I sometimes get time in the afternoon but lack enthusiasm to do it.

Hump day is like that, though most people start things on a Monday (the most popular day to start anything new), Wednesday is the next most popular day for people to commence diets & exercise programs. I used Dr google for this information. Don’t ever start on a Friday unless you have more willpower than most as most people can dream about as, it’s the day before the weekend and can be stressful and the option here is to cancel plans and start the next week.

Anyway I am on the downward stretch to the end of the working day. Hope your hump day isn’t taking as long as mine.